Fruit Gratin


02:00 min

  • Ceramic Dish
Chilled ​4°C
1 Portion
Partially Cooked

Stage 1

  • 02:00
  • 100 %
  • 30 %
1000 ml Milk
275 g granulated Sugar
50 g Corn Starch
50 g Flour
240 g Egg Yolk
60 g unsalted Butter
0.5 tsp Vanilla Essence
20 g Sponge Cake 8 cm/3 inches diameter
70 g Custard Cream made with the recipe above
1 pcs half Apple or whole Orange
1 tsp Sugar
FOR THE CUSTARD CREAM: Mix the milk, 1/3 of the sugar and vanilla essence in a pot together and bring it to a boil until the sugar is melted. Mix in a bowl the egg yolk and the remaining sugar together add the flour and corn starch and mix it well together. Take 1/4 of the heated milk, add it into the bowl and mix it together. Then take this mixture and add it into the pot with the remaining milk and cook it on medium heat until you could see small bubbles rising up. Decant the mixture into a ice-cold bowl and place a piece of plastic wrap direct on top of the cream to avoid that the cream will get a skin. Chill the cream. FOR THE FRUIT GRATIN: Cut the apple or the orange as per your preference in wedges. Place the sponge cake in the ceramic bowl and cover it with custard cream. Arrange the wedges nicely on top of cream and press them carefully a little bit into the cream. Sprinkle the sugar over the entire bowl.
1. Food Preparation
Cook the Custard Cream in a pot. Cook the Fruit Gratin as per oven profile.
2. Cooking Instruction
Remove the cooked food from the bowl and serve.
3. Food Serving Instruction

Note: Information emanating from Welbilt is given after exercise of all reasonable care and skills in its compilation, preparation and issue, but is provided without liability in its application and use. All cooking settings are guides only. Adjust cooking settings to allow for differing product weights and start temperatures. Always ensure that food save core temperature has been achieved prior to service.